Research Papers

R&D challenges
Challenges for Content and Collaborative Filtering in a Univied Messaging Environment
State Support for the Press - theory and practice
by Paul Murschetz; The report was first published by the European Journal of Communication in 1998 and an updated version is currently promoted by the International Press Institute.
TRIMEDIA - ein europäisches Konvergenzprojekt
Skizzen des EU-geförderten Projekts Trimedia zur Konvergenz von Rundfunk und Internet, in: MEDIA BIZ, Nr. 71, Februar 2001, S. 22-24.
Netzkultur unter Schwarz-Blau
Konvergenz zum Kommerz? by Paul Murschetz, published in: Kulturrisse, IG Infoblätter, Oktober 2000, S. 16-17.
Konvergenz und Netzkultur
by Paul Murschetz, published in: KUPF, Zeitung der Kulturplattform Oberösterreich, September / Oktober 2000
Placing digital in a new media landscape. Plans to liberalise the Austrian TV market throw up formidable challenges
by Paul Murschetz, published in: Intermedia, International Institute of Communications, September 2000, Vol. 28/No. 5, pp. 8-12.
Die Medienbehörde - Kritische Gedanken zu einer guten Idee
by Paul Murschetz, published in: Wiener Zeitung on June 26, 2000
Please find earlier research papers from Roland Alton-Scheidl here.

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